Sunday, August 28, 2005

BWHAHAHAHAHAHAH FUCK Y'ALL- *gets a shoe thrown at my face* ACK! *falls over* ....*gets back up* WHO THREW THAT?!?

"why i don't want to go to church? well, because i don't get along with most of the people there... because i'm sick of condescending fucks looking at me, staring me up and down wondering how they can tear me down... what "sin" they can catch me commiting. I see it in my church all the time and it's sick. everybody is just DYING to jump on me when i screw up. i believe in Jesus and i believe that He is in my heart and i have all the criteria that can solidify or "prove" my Christianity yet when i make a mistake, because i'm not rushing to the elders BEGGING for Jesus's forgiveness, i'm a bad Christian. Because i dont' do daily devotions and pray before my meals, i'm a bad Christian.

it's so funny. everyone is willing to jump on everyone else for their "sins". i quote "sins" because i don't think half the shit that we do are sins that we label sin...

when i sin, forgive me for not longing to tell my church.. the majority is messed up and i don't feel like i need to deal with that. I don't like people judging me when i'm in trouble. i'd prefer my friends, who are nonchristians and christians alike [which the non christians you claim are going to hell], who will help me out. whether it be in a God glorifying way or not, they get me out of my trouble.

so call me whatever you want... but if you don't plan on helping me become a better Christian or loving me or changing yourself in any way, only expecting me to change, then well, i say you can take your "God" and your "Church" and your "Jesus" and kiss my ass. My Jesus calls EVERYONE to love EVERYONE... that means EVERYONE, not just me... and i'm tired of being the only one i see changing or even trying to...

maybe everyone is a sinner... i just don't hide it as well. therefore, i try not to judge anyone else. why doesn't anyone else try to do that?"

4 Tamparan Penuh Cinta:

Anonymous Anonymous Bilang...

Maaf kalau loe tersinggung. Gwe cuma coba bicara fakta. Gwe gak tau kalau loe seperasa ini .. still friend ? :)

11:50 PM  
Blogger anne Bilang...

Gw bakal jadi orang perasa yang paling menyebalkan saat ada orang asing ngedatengin gw, dan bertingkah seperti tuhan di depan gw. :)

11:59 PM  
Blogger anne Bilang...

-Masih bt,tapi ga bisa menahan diri untuk ga ngomong-
Gyahahahahaha !!!! Postingannya pake bahasa inggris ! Hwahahahahahahaha !!! \(^_^)/

2:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous Bilang...

Wah, sebagian postingan menghilang? Ada apakah gerangan?

BTW, ada yang baru ya? Kenalin dong. :-)

11:01 AM  

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